Thursday, September 19, 2013

Ayam masak merah

Today i tried the new maggi "ayam masak merah" which is cook in a bag in the rice cooker. Just prepare some chicken, carrots, potatoes, tomato and onion, then toss the seasoning with the plastic bag provided. I also added telur mata kerbau as side dish. Taste wise its quite nice but the next time i cook, maybe have to add some water to create extra gravy.
Ayam masak merah with telur mata kerbau

Yesterday was mid-autumn festival. Thank God no loud firecrackers, or else Chiki will go nuts again. Jaden made his lantern in school... a cute minion.
Specky minion

Update on Ryan's Mr Tortoise... still not eating his food... open his eyes once in a while...
Mr Tortoise

1 comment:

Jennybe said...

MM... ayam masak merah...! Air liur meleleh!

The minion tanglung is very cute.

At least Mr. Tortoise is still alive...