Thursday, August 15, 2019

Bread Toast

My elder sister shared a bread toast recipe with me. I'm an impatient person as I don't like to wait for the proofing process of bread making, that's why I've never attempted to make bread but I love to watch bread making videos... hahaha

So this is the simplest bread making process I can find, with only one proofing. Recipe as follows:
260g bread flour
1tsp (2g) instant yeast
1/2 tsp salt
2 tsp sugar
1 egg with milk 180 g
Knead everything till combined and add 2 tbsp butter at the end to the dough. Proof until dough rise to 90%, then bake at 170 C for about 40 mins.

I added oat and nestum (about 4 tbsp) as I like them.
Hot from oven
side view 

oat & nestum bread toast