Friday, November 29, 2013

Pad Thai

Attempted pad thai.. my version since there are some leftover noodles in the pantry. Turn out a success... Ryan loves it ...
Pad thai.. my version
notice the thai basil... its from ma's garden
Made these prawn toast for breakfast one day.. Quite a hit with my takers except Jaden who does not like prawns..
prawn toast .. hot from the oven
Our christmas tree was up 2 weeks ago as the boys was pestering me to put it up.. still have not get  presents for everyone..

We visited Pavilion KL on one of the weekends... the deco is very nice.. like a winter wonderland.
folks & kids at pavilion kl
An early christmas wish from someone...

Finally pre-school for Jaden is officially over... going to Year 1 in 2014... Time flies... He got an interesting mask from his friend's birthday in school today..
"Hawkman" mask

1 comment:

Jennybe said...

Time flies... we get older liao...