Monday, October 14, 2013

Simple dishes

For breakfast i made scrambled eggs, cheese and spiced chorizo sandwich. All my takers loved it ...
scrambled egg with chorizo & cheese
Ryan's portion, comes with yogurt drink
Ma was away for a short trip... means i can tryout new recipes... For lunch i made this sicilian inspired pasta dish..It was a dish by Jamie Oliver... was watching his 15 mins meals lately.. and this caught my interest.. so i tried it out... simple & delicious though
Angel hair pasta
For dinner i tried a chicken recipe from wendyinkk.. it was delicious & simple to prepare & cook as well.. here it is my braised balsamic chicken with mashed potato...

braised balsamic chicken with mashed potato
another view..


Jean said...

interesting.. balsamic chicken...

Jennybe said...

I tried the balsamic chicken before too, it was good!