Thursday, January 10, 2013

A pleasant surprise

This one really caught me... i was teaching the boys their homework when an uncle in his 50s stopped his car outside my house this afternoon. Was wondering what he wants with a piece of paper in his hand. I was not with my best facial appearance when i approached him and with a stern voice i asked what was his business. When he told me he was delivering flowers, my facial expression changed as fast as lightning.. to a smiling one...he must be wondering what a fierce woman i am.. hehehe...

Next surprise is that the basket of flowers is from my old boss & family, it has been 2 years & a month since i left my working life / the last boss that i worked with, but most of the working experiences were still fresh in my memories. Throughout my whole working life, i can say i am quite lucky to have met very nice bosses, but the last one was the best cos i worked for him the longest.

Just wana say thank you very much Dagfinn & Theng you are indeed a great boss!
the message

the lovely flowers


Jennybe said...

Waa.... so beautiful!! Eh, but your birthday is in another month??

Jean said...

hahah.. an early gift.. hahaha... hehehe..