Monday, October 22, 2012

Omelette wraps

Had some wraps left in the fridge, made this for the boys this morning. Since Jaden is an egg lover, i added some of the remaining omelette for him. Ryan loves the mashed potatoes.
sandwich ham with green & red peppers omelette
& japanese mashed potatoes as side

with some of the remaining omelette

I sometimes wonder why Jaden hesitated to try the food that i made for him. Was it so bad? but if yes, the other picky eater will not touch the food either...sigh... hard to please everyone..

Someone who is ever so ready to be pleased easily...none other than my cute Chiki.. a.k.a "nema"
waiting patiently for her treats

1 comment:

Jennybe said...

Aiyokk.... Chiki naaaaaaa.....